2014, Event Horizon

Youki Hirakawa
Event Horizon, 2014
Single Channel Video / Silent / Full HD / 10min Loop
Courtesy the artist and White Rainbow, London

2013-..., Close your Eyes (video)

Youki Hirakawa
Close your Eyes, 2013-ongoing
Mixed media
Courtesy the artist and White Rainbow, London

2014, A root for a room

Youki Hirakawa
A Root for a Room, 2014
Mixed media
Courtesy the artist and White Rainbow, London

A Method to Draw a Map of Time | Artist talk by Youki Hirakawa

29 June 2015

Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation

Berlin based artist Youki Hirakawa will talk about his oeuvre to date in relation to the main themes that inspire his works. Time and place are two notions of special interest for Hirakawa. Reflecting on the expanded sense of these principal vectors of orientation, he creates poetic works of art that often move us in their singular beauty. Hirakawa works in a wide range of media, encompassing video, sculpture and mixed media. His works rarely are stand-alone pieces: rather they are the next step in a train of thought developed through earlier works.

A sense of place is imperative for the artist. For Hirakawa, place can both be the original location that inspired a certain work of art, as well as the place of exhibition, as he often conceives installations specific to the site. Rethinking and adapting existing works for new venues is an important aspect of his artistic practice. The notion of time is closely attached to that of place, and Hirakawa often researches the different strands of time that one place carries. The idea of the site specific, and its meaning for the artist, will receive special attention during this talk, with the transformation of things through the passage of time being a second defining topic. Furthermore, Hirakawa will expand on his fascination with ideas surrounding alchemy.

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Further Information:
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation

Admission is free, but booking is essential: please RSVP here.

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